Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett

As the headlines came across my screen about Farrah Fawcett's passing, I had a flash of a memory. I was about 11, walking down the street toward the park where I always met my friends.. it was a June day, just like this one, warm and sunny.

In the distance, I could see someone bounding toward me; it was my blue-eyed, blonde friend Susie, always a bundle of energy. But this day, there was something even bouncier in her stride. As she came closer, her smile was brighter than the sunshine beating down on our preteen heads.
"Look!! Look!" she was yelling. I squinted to see what she meant, but I had nothing. Nada. Just Susie, getting bigger as she ran toward me, and the rumble of cars and trucks passing behind her on Monroe Street.

As she got even closer, I could see her hair was styled differently. Susie was born with curly blonde hair (which she hated-go figure), she wore it long and it was pretty, the length pulled out the curls and made it wavy.

But now it was definitely a little shorter, and straighter and sliced back in layers and she was wearing it like a ceremonial headpiece. Susie was almost strutting like a rooster showing off its comb by the time she reached my side.

"Do you like it?" she huffed and puffed at me, trying to catch her breath.

"Yes, it's pretty," I told her. And it was.

We just stared at each other. Silence. Susie waiting for more.

"Who.... does it remind you of?" she asked, which I replied honestly that I had no idea.


Now it was my turn to stare. More silence.

"Who's that?"

I can still see the look on Susie's face, that was the instant impression that flashed across my mind as the headlines today flashed across my screen. At that moment my best friend decided that I was from another planet, or at least, lived under a rock.

I got a quick lesson in all things Farrah that day and soon found myself watching Charlie's Angels with Susie once a week. And yes, I eventually got my hair feathered.

If you live under a rock, then you probably aren't affected by the news of Farrah's death. But I'm pretty sure she's touched anyone old enough to be reading this. The reaction from people around the world already is obvious, the sadness at the loss of such an icon and beautiful person.

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