Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Organic Food Delivered

A few weeks ago I wrote about an insurance company helping customers order organic veggies online. I know, right? Amazing. Unfortunately, it's not our insurance company - and most of the comments I received were from people having the same thoughts ("Great idea, wish it was my insurance company")
So I thought it was important to re-address this with broader availability. There are quite a few sites that offer home delivery of not only organic vegetables, but also meat and other food! As soon as the articles are on Suite and Examiner, I'll post links - later this week- so stay tuned!

Oh, and yes, it's back to school for my munchkins. I'm one of the few moms on the planet that actually dislike the kids being gone. Summer went too fast. Sure -the quiet is nice- but I miss them more than I like the time alone. Mostly. As Bailey says, neener neener neener.

Off to explore all those wonderful organic delivery services!

Have a great day!

And Happy Birthday to my Bubby, 8 years big. Today marks the beginning of 2nd grade and the end of our family Festivus!

Love from me to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I know that we aren't in the Midwest, but the company I work for, spud! ( does organic food delivery on the west coast. Coborn Delivers ( serves the Twin Cities, and I'm sure there are other places closer to you as well!

    I hope that the search goes well!
