Tuesday, October 20, 2009

That's Gross...or Where's the (good) beef? part 2

A few weeks ago, my massage therapist told me her sister refused to eat the beef that was purchased from a locally grown, organic farmer. The sister’s reason? “That’s gross.” She couldn’t believe her sister bought a quarter cow and had it butchered. Even though the beef was totally grass-fed, raised in open, free range pasture and never given hormones or drugs, this woman could not bring herself to eat beef because the thought of a butcher cutting up the cow “grossed” her out. I’m sure you can see the humor in this – honestly, where does she think the beef in the store originates?

As funny as her justification for not eating organic beef seems, in a way, it’s probably representative of the majority of shoppers today.
When we go shopping at mass market stores, almost everything is pre-packaged and sometimes completely prepared. Convenience, yes. Sensible? Probably not.

We pick up a package of chicken and don’t really consider that the meat came from a real bird. A large ham –once a piggy wiggly. I’m not advocating vegetarianism (although I respect vegetarians and was one, once) but I really think that most consumers are immune to the fact that what they are eating came from an animal, and probably not a healthy, natural animal.

Many people don’t know what the term “Factory Farm” really means – nor do they stop to think about where their meat is coming from when they purchase the sale items or best prices on beef, chicken or pork at the local store.

We try to buy only organic beef and chicken and pork. It’s a little more expensive but the taste alone is worth the cost. There is no comparison with the pale, limp, flavorless “meat” that is sold in supermarkets. I don’t care how red they make the beef, if it’s from beef that was grown in a factory, it is “gross” by my definition. The hormones, the antibiotics, the disgusting and inhumane environment the animals are raised – now that’s gross.

For a fun but informative explanation of why the meat you're buying at the grocery store is probably not the best, visit The Meatrix.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What would you do with 12,000 dollars?

The car I drive is not new, in fact it's celebrating its 10th birthday this year. Sometime this weekend my car is going to hit a milestone, 100,000 miles. Not bad, considering its age - that's only 10k a year, less than the national average.
I pointed out the milestone mileage on the odometer to my son this morning as we were pulling out of the garage and it hit me that this car has consumed $12,000. worth of gas, based on historical and current gas price averages.
12,000. Dollars. Probably more -in gas. Gone. Nothing to "show" for it except the travel it provided.
Now, granted, I haven't put all those miles on this car - I am blessed and fortunate to be driving my late father's car - and I don't know if I will ever give it up. It's not a car I would pick for myself, a 99 Cadillac Seville - but for my dad it was his baby (next to me ~*smile*) He loved Cadillacs and this one has all the bells and whistles that were available at the time.
And basically it is an old fart's car (love ya Dad) and is perfect for going to the golf course, taking the little lady out to dinner, church or to visit the grandkids. For a soccer mom with kids in college to 2nd grade -this is not the ideal vehicle. But I love it because every time I get behind the wheel, I feel like I have a piece of my dad with me. I don't have many things in my possession that belonged to my dad - a replica of his WWII Uniform, medals and all, that he assembled and presented to me with honor - some rings that are more like bracelets - and his car.
But wow, thinking about the money spent on gas over the last 10 years to drive this car around - and that's less than the average person spends - its incredible to think how much money is actually spent fueling our vehicles. I am not going to start preaching about pollution and big oil and carbon footprints - or how silly electric cars seem to be (there is still fuel burnt to produce electricity -so they are not as "green" as some people think).
I just never really thought about gas prices and consumption in this way before. Fuel is a necessity - we go from here to there - it's sometimes a luxury and sometimes a requirement. I've just never stopped to consider how much all those $30 fill ups at the pump really add up to over the life of a car. Wow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Exciting News

Well it's with great pleasure that I apologize for my absence in writing lately. Why on earth would someone do that? Well the guilty pleasure is that my husband was home from work for several weeks, using vacation time to catch up on things that he cannot normally find time to do around the house. Loved it!
Loved spending time with him and going out to lunch and painting and fixing all the little things that can go wrong in a big house during the last 10 years. But then my husband got on a plane and went to Connecticut for the better part of a week, which I did not love so much.

The relaxation of the past two weeks turned into a very hectic and stressful week of trying to play both Mom and Dad, catch up on other things around the house and my writing work got shelved again. But this week it is back to the grind and I love that too.

But the OTHER thing that is so awesome and that has added to my lack of presence here in bloggers' world is that I was promoted to a FEATURE WRITER on Suite101. Yep! I am the official Health and Wellness Feature Writer, specializing in ADD and ADHD. I have a Blog there too. It's taken me awhile to apply for an FW position, the commitment is a bit more than a Contributing Writer and I didn't have time previously to take the plunge. But now that I do I am enjoying the work so much. Check out my articles over there and also my recent Examiner columns. Lots of exciting things going on!

Dealing with ADD, ADHD at Work

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cleveland to host HOLISTIC HEALTH NOW Conference -‘a unique conference with spirit’ for everyone

Cleveland is already a center for traditional medicine and world-class healthcare and now our city is gaining a reputation as center for holistic, integrated and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Just ask Donna Nowak, Executive Director/CEO of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), which is now headquartered in Cleveland. “In November, the Cleveland area will get a gigantic boost of positive energy and support for a patient-centered approach to healthcare,” says Nowak. “We will also be generating ideas for physicians who want to build and sustain an integrative medical practice.”

The national educational conference, HOLISTIC HEALTH NOW, will be held November 5-7 at the Renaissance Hotel on Public Square.

While designed for doctors and healthcare practitioners, anyone interested in alternative healthcare can attend. It is believed to be the first time a national holistic conference has been held here.

The conference has been approved for Continuing Medical Education (CME’s) to medical professionals and CPE’s for counselors and social workers, Nowak says. Other practitioners can also earn CE’s and CEU’s.

The AHMA, which stresses collaboration, has been working together with the Integrated Therapies Committee of MetroHealth Hospital and Western Reserve Geriatric Education Center, to host an exciting pre-conference on Nov. 5. Attendees may choose workshops from three tracks, including “Power of the Heart”, “Purpose & Passion”, and “Positive Aging.”

The main conference on Nov. 6-7 includes major presentations Healthcare futurist Leland Kaiser, speaking on “Designing Healthcare that Heals,”Tieraona Low Dog, MD, of the University of Arizona, Benjamin Kligler, MD, of the Beth Israel Integrative Medicine and Scott Shannon, MD, of the University of Colorado, Department of Child Psychiatry.

Approximately 30 other MDs, DOs and speakers from the fields of chiropractic, naturopathic, nursing and more, will present evidence-based educational workshops such as:

· “Hospitals that Heal”

· “Laboratory Evaluations for Understanding a Patient’s Nutrition and Supplements Needs”

· “Natural Therapies for Prevention & Treatment of the Common Cold”

· “Healing the Roots of Emotional Trauma”

A panel, including medical students from Case Western Reserve University, will share research presentations and an update on holistic medical education.

Several panels include local experts, such as Sherri Tenpenny, DO and Keith Jordan, DC.

The event concludes Saturday evening, Nov. 7, with a gala event of delicious, nutritious food, a healthy dose of holistic comedy, music and dancing.

“Our goal is to create an environment for learning from distinguished speakers who have a vision for the future of healthcare,” says Conference Co-Chair and President-Elect David Forbes, MD, of Nashville, TN. “You can also network with friends, old and new, and share ideas that have helped you survive and thrive in holistic medicine.”

Registration can be completed on-line at www.holisticmedicine.org. A limited number of exhibitor spaces are available, as well as opportunities for sponsors/partners. For more information, call Kathleen Alter, 216-292-6644.

Dr. Keith Jordon, DC one of the presenters at the AHMA Conference Nov. 5-7

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine: Is it Safe?

You can't turn on the TV without being warned about, or at the very least, made to feel panicked on some level, about the upcoming potential pandemic from the swine flu. Is the threat real? Don't you wonder why there is SO MUCH coverage about a flu that in reality causes lighter symptoms than the "normal" seasonal flu?

As I watched a Cleveland Noon News channel last Friday, I was amazed to see the lead-in story of a school closing linked to Swine Flu. One student, who hadn't even been to school sick, was out and the school closed. Precautions are ok. Instilling panic in the public is not. Why is this a lead-in story? I can never remember watching the news and hearing about a child getting the flu before! (except possibly a few years ago when the Avian Flu, aka Bird Flu was supposedly going to get us all...remember that? What happened then? Besides the sale of Tamiflu going through the roof) Ok, so one child at a school has the flu and it's front page news. This is insane. We need to wake up and question why we are hearing this as so important.

Like most things in the news, the best advice I've ever heard is "follow the money trail." If there is money to be made from something, and it's being reported heavily in the news, I become suspicious. And there is plenty of money to be made by pharmaceutical companies - hence, the large number of commercials on TV and Ads everywhere else. Think about it. How many times a day, whether you're turning on the TV, radio, internet, reading a magazine..just how many times are you seeing an advertisement for some type of medication. I bet you can subconsciously repeat all the potential side effects that could come from taking XYZ... "symtpoms associated with XYZ include dry mouth, nauseau, and headache... More serious side effects can include... Do not take XYZ if you are at risk for heart disease or .." You get the picture.

It's been reported that not only is the vaccine for swine flu being rushed so fast that even doctors are questioning the safety, in fact, more than half of health workers polled have said they will refuse it. The vaccine can contain potentially dangerous cells that could cause illnesses worse than flu. To note, British officials have already warned neurologists in their country to be on the look out for Guillain-Barre Syndrome after the vaccine begins being used.

Some of the dangers of the H1N1 Vaccine:

Dr. Russell Blaylock indicates that the maker of the vaccine, Baxter, has been involved in two scandals and deadly vaccine incidents.

Potenital danger of the vaccine include mercury and squalene, which has been linked to the development of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

From Dr. Mercola's site:

Now, German lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has come out about even more potential health risks associated with the swine flu vaccine. Interestingly, Dr. Wodarg also holds political office, as the chairman of the health committee in the German parliament and European Council.

According to Dr. Wodarg, the swine flu vaccine contains animal cancer cells, and there’s no data indicating whether or not this may cause an allergic reaction when injected.

It also raises questions about the risk of contracting cancer.

He also told the German press that the widespread fear of the pandemic was an “orchestration,” stating,

It is great business for the pharmaceutical industry. Swine flu is not very different from normal flu. On the contrary, if you look at the number of cases it is nothing compared to a normal flu outbreak.”

Really, take some time to research this topic yourself. Be careful where you are reading it. Verify the sources. If there is a study cited that is influencing you to get the vaccine or causing you to worry, see who did the study. If it's been done by a drug company, perhaps you might rethink the data as potentially flawed. Find some SCIENCE and look into what vaccines are made from, what is potentially in them, and decide for yourself if it is worth taking the risk.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ordering Organic Food Update and Fish Oil

I promised you some info on how to get Organic Food delivered to your door and it's coming~ but I am still waiting on a few items to arrive before completing my evaluation. A preview of information -
Just BARE Chicken -- simply FANTASTIC... if you've never head free range chicken, you have to try some...and if you have, compare Minnesota based Just BARE to what you've eaten. I'm impressed! DELICIOUS!
Also have gotten some Traverse Bay Farms Salsa - best salsa we have ever tasted. Not kidding. I even make my own and this stuff is incredible. Flavors from Pineapple to Mango, Black Bean... each one better than the last.
Will update when I get my beef and other items, just received notice that my organic meats are shipped and on their way.
In the mean time, I've been doing a lot of research and writing on Fish Oil and Omega 3 - if you want to know how much to take or why its good for you.
Check back for your updates on ordering healthy food!
Here's to your health,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Organic Food Delivered

A few weeks ago I wrote about an insurance company helping customers order organic veggies online. I know, right? Amazing. Unfortunately, it's not our insurance company - and most of the comments I received were from people having the same thoughts ("Great idea, wish it was my insurance company")
So I thought it was important to re-address this with broader availability. There are quite a few sites that offer home delivery of not only organic vegetables, but also meat and other food! As soon as the articles are on Suite and Examiner, I'll post links - later this week- so stay tuned!

Oh, and yes, it's back to school for my munchkins. I'm one of the few moms on the planet that actually dislike the kids being gone. Summer went too fast. Sure -the quiet is nice- but I miss them more than I like the time alone. Mostly. As Bailey says, neener neener neener.

Off to explore all those wonderful organic delivery services!

Have a great day!

And Happy Birthday to my Bubby, 8 years big. Today marks the beginning of 2nd grade and the end of our family Festivus!

Love from me to you.